




Chabad house Dharamsala is actually based on volunteers. Families, young people – boys and girls, who constitute the staff, come voluntarily in order to contribute. The highest value of AHAVAT ISRAEL and Unity of the People of Israel is what guides all those who are engaged in this holy enterprise.

Several options for volunteering engagement in Chabad houses are possible:

. Arriving for Shlichus for a period of a few months1

This kind of activity suits Yeshive youngsters or girls who graduated high school and are interested in a period of meaningful and versatile activity including operating and managing the place, influence and education.

2. Integration in a frame of study, volunteering, accommodation and provision. Anyone who wishes to connect his trip with important and exciting activity for the sake of the Jewish people, can join the staff of the Chabad house for a period of a few weeks. Volunteering can include the following: assistance in education of children, operating and supervising the kitchen and restaurant, organizing events and reception of the large number of visitors that come to the place. We are open to creativity and innovation and everyone is invited to contribute of his abilities.


3. specific assistance.

Anyone who wants to be active partner for a short period is invited to assist in Shabbat and Holidays preparations, or simply to come and find out what kind of help is needed.

The Chabad house is the natural home for each and every Jew and you are invited to willingly become good emissaries for the holy people of Israel.


For more details regarding the options for volunteering please contact us.

We are grateful for your kindness!