Kosher Jewish restaurant

Jewish Kosher Restaurant

Kosher, tasty, healthy for body and soul

We have a Glaat Kosher meat restaurant in both Chabad houses in Dharamsala.

The restaurant is open from 10 a.m. till 21.30 p.m. on week days, till noon on Fridays and Holiday evenings and about half an hour after Shabbos ends.

We offer a variety of meat and vegetarian dishes such as shakshuka, shnitzel’ Shipudim and pancake, as well as many other treats.


This is the place to remind that only two options for Kosher food exist in India:


. Self-cooking in private kitchenware according to all Jewish lows.1

2. Eating in Kosher kitchens of Chabad houses or Jewish houses with strict supervision of a religious supervisor.


In addition to having the best food in India, you will find here home atmosphere with warm hosting, an opportunity to make acquaintance with other good souls, to hear what is worthwhile to do and just take pleasure in dwelling with God.



חובה להציג את האישור בהגעה למסעדה כדי להשתתף במבצע